
Credit Repair Tips

Getting a loan for your next property purchase or refinance is already a big enough issue, without the hassle of a poor credit report. Whilst there are...

17 brutal truths about property investment no one else will tell you

Less than 1 percent of investors ever succeed in building a substantial property portfolio. Here are 17 truths to help you avoid becoming a statistic. Today, I’m...

Are you paying your lender too much interest?

Before we start…. For further content, please visit And, if you would like a Free Property Report, you can order yours here: You can obtain...

How I Found My Big Investor

Background James Spenceley co-founded wholesale telecommunications provider Vocus in 2007, and since then the company has exceeded his expectations, turning over profit every year, with 2008-09 revenue...

13 Reasons To Use A Great Broker For Your Home Loan

Let’s face it, getting a loan from a financier is not fun. No-one goes out of their way just to get a loan. Instead, we would all...