
Are you paying your lender too much interest?

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13 Reasons To Use A Great Broker For Your Home Loan

Let’s face it, getting a loan from a financier is not fun. No-one goes out of their way just to get a loan. Instead, we would all...

Are Your Assets Misspent Cash?

We all know assets are good and liabilities are bad, right? So when it comes to assets, the more the merrier would seem to be a logical...

6 Issues Which Can Lead to Nasty Surprises for Borrowers

In other articles, we have shown that brokers now process more loans than the Big 4 Banks – about 6 out of 10 borrowers now use a...

Are you a winner in this year’s budget? BIR has the answer!

Are you a winner in this year’s budget? BIR has the answer! The 2021-22 budget has now been released. There’s a lot of talk and I want...